Enrollment is Easy!
Just follow these easy steps:
- Determine your child's eligibility
- Contact Us
-Click here for the complete list of school contacts. - Fill out the required enrollment forms
- Complete the H.E.L.P. Plan with your child and school counsellor
-The Holistic Education Learning Plan is a plan for helping each student reach their maximum learning potential. Developed by the student, parent(s), and school staff, the Plan maps individualized learning styles and sets student goals. - Schedule your child's courses (grades 7-12 only)
-Done at the school with scheduling staff. Parents are encouraged to participate in this process. - Complete the Volunteer Roster form
-All parents at the school agree to volunteer a minimum of 20 hours of service per year to the school in activities that best suit their talents and skills. (see also Volunteerism in this web site)